What's the

Leap Motion Controller


A small USB device with big tracking power can be placed on the desktop or mounted on the forehead. Flexible and fast gesture capture for forearms, hands and fingers.


  • Affordable price and portable size
  • Plug-and-play via a USB port
  • Desktop and head mount modes for different usage scenarios
  • Array of infrared sensors so can work in a low light condition
  • Supported by a huge developer group with proven applications

* Leap Motion Profile for iClone only supports Leap Motion Controller 1 & Orion v4.0 or v4.1 SDK

Animate Characters from Forearms to Fingers

With the

Leap Motion

Controller's exceptionally accurate hand tracking technology, this small box instantly turns your desktop into an unprecedented

Hand Capture

Station that everyone can own.   Workflow >    Required Tools >
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*Motion LIVE supports Leap Motion Controller 1, Orion 3.2.1 & 4.0 drivers.

Add Realistic Hand Motions to Body Mocap

Most professional motion capture systems can capture perfect body movement, however hand animation is always a separate challenging task. Now adding delicate hand animation is affordably streamlined with the Leap Motion Controller.

Enhance Communication with Hand Gestures

People use lots of hand gestures when talking. Adding appropriate hand and finger movement can instantly upgrade your talking animation with enhanced motions to convey the performance.

Animate with Detailed Hand Performance

Grab a bottle, open the lid and have a drink. Even such a simple movement already causes animators a sleepless night. With the Leap Motion Controller, playing a musical instrument is just few moments of performance and motion layer tweaks.

Motion Live's Special Hand Capture Design

Animate from Forearms to Fingers

Motion LIVE supports 3 hand capturing options, from forearm (elbow twist and bend), to wrist rotation, all the way to detailed finger movements. More >

Desktop and Head Mount Modes

Desktop mode (sensor view upward) gives you the setup convenience, while the Head Mount VR mode (sensor view the same as your eye level) gives you best view coverage and the freedom of movement. More >   Setting Guide >

One Hand Capture

Besides using two hands for performance capture, set one hand free for mouse operation. Choose data from one hand to drive two hand animation, or use the left hand to capture the right hand animation. More >

Gesture Mirror

Quick way to switch left and right hand data. This function is useful especially when you wish the virtual character to mirror motion data from screen view. More >

Free Mocap-ready Templates

Install the trial or full version of the Leap Motion Profile and gain access to two pre-aligned pose templates calibrated for forearm, hand, and finger motion capture. For first-time users, please make sure that you test out the hand capture features by using these templates.

These files will be made available under the following Content directories:
  • Project Template > Leap Motion
  • Animation Template > Motion > Leap Motion